What Happens To Your Body If You Drink Every Morning A Glass Of Hot Water On An Empty Stomach ?

If You Drink Every Morning A Glass Of Hot Water On An Empty Stomach This Is What Happens To Your Body. How do you normally start your day ? With a cup of tea or coffee ? Well you probably didn’t know that the best way to start your day is with water. The human

If You Drink Every Morning A Glass Of Hot Water On An Empty Stomach This Is What Happens To Your Body.

How do you normally start your day ? With a cup of tea or coffee ? Well you probably didn’t know that the best way to start your day is with water.

The human body is mainly composed of water, 75% – muscles, 90% – brain, 22% – bone and 83% of our blood is water. Understanding this means we must be aware of the importance of consuming water daily, especially in the morning.

We should consume 1 to 4 glasses of water every morning. Below in the article you will find 10 reasons why you should follow this amazing tip.

Why you should drink water on an empty stomach ( 10 reasons )

Water is one of the most important things for a healthy life. Our whole body needs water in order to function smoothly and to be healthy.

1. Healthier digestion

Hot water is said to be an easy way to improve health.
When a person does not drink enough water, the small intestine absorbs most of the water consumed through food and drinking. This causes dehydration and can make it more difficult to have a bowel movement.

Chronic dehydration can cause corresponding chronic constipation. This constipation can make bowel movements painful and may cause other problems, including hemorrhoids and bloating.

Drinking hot water helps to break down food faster than drinking cold or warm water. It reduces the risk of constipation by supporting regular bowel movements.

2. Increases Skin Radiance for a Flawless Complexion

• By drinking water, your body is able to releasetoxins faster, which will therefore give your skin that glow and radiance you may buy products for.

• In fact, 500 mL of water has proven to increase blood flow and make your skin glow while increasing production of new blood cells.

• The shortage of water in your body can also cause premature wrinkles and deeper pores.

3. Weight loss

ResearchTrusted Source has long supported the idea that drinking more water can help a person lose weight. This may partially be because drinking water increases feelings of fullness. Water also helps the body absorb nutrients, and it flushes out waste.

4. Improve Metabolism

• If you are dieting, you know that just by drinking water on an empty stomach, you can increase your metabolic rater by 24%! By increasing your metabolic rate, you are digesting faster and therefore improving your digestive system.

• The water also purifies your colon, letting the organ absorb nutrients faster naturally.

5. Speeds Up Your Metabolism

A person on a diet should drink plenty of water for an increased metabolism rate. The metabolic rate increases about 25 percent by drinking water on an empty stomach. Faster digestion also results in healthy weight loss.

6. Strengthens Immune System

• Drinking water first thing in the morning flushes out the stomach and therefore balances the lymphatic system. A stable lymphatic system will help build a strong immune system, which will prevent us from getting sick as often.

7.Prevents Kidney Stones

Drinking water on empty stomach prevents the formation of kidney stones. It also prevents bladder infections. Water dilutes the acids and prevents the formation of stones in the kidney.

I hope you have learnt about all the benefits of drinking water first thing in the morning! By diluting acidity and ridding toxins, water will be your best friend till the end!


It is recommended to start with small amounts of water if you are just starting with this habit. Start with 1 glass of water on empty stomach and you can gradually increase to 2 or 3.

The water you drink should be of good quality. So check if the water coming out of your faucet meets the quality standards of drinking water, otherwise, you should get one that is healthy.

You can also enjoy the health benefits of lemon with water. Just add squeezed lemon juice in a glass with water, and enjoy.

Source:awesomequotes4u.com, pinnaclecareinternalmedicine.net, medicalnewstoday.com, food.ndtv.com, thehealthsite.com

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